Latest poll numbers show unexpected shifts in US presidential race outcome
Exit-poll data reveals major changes in voter preferences across different groups in todays presidential election. Numbers show significant movement in Hispanic and young voter segments compared to last election

The latest presidential election ended with Donald Trump defeating Kamala Harris in a contest that brought him back to power after a four-year break
The exit-poll data shows some eye-catching shifts in voter support (specially among key demographic groups). Hispanic men showed a big jump in support for Trump‚ with 54% backing him — thats an 18-point rise from last time; while younger voters aged 18-29 gave him 42% support
Here are the main factors that influenced voters choices:
- Economy: 31% said it was their top issue
- Democracy health: 35% named it as primary concern
- Immigration: 11% considered it most important
- Abortion rights: 14% picked this as key factor
The financial well-being data paints an interesting picture — about half of voters say their situation got worse in past four years‚ while just a quarter report improvements. Democracy remains a hot-button issue: 73% of Americans think its under threat
Looking at education-based splits‚ Trump got strong backing from non-college graduates (54%); while Harris did better with degree holders. The racial breakdown shows some movement too — Trump kept his support among Black voters steady at 12%‚ but made gains with Hispanic voters overall
The gender gap stayed notable: women favored Harris by 54%‚ while men leaned towards Trump. Age-wise‚ voters under 45 preferred Harris‚ but those over 45 backed Trump
These numbers come from Edison Researchs exit polling (which covers both early and election-day voters). The data might shift as more responses come in throughout the night