Legal clash in Wisconsin over Electoral College meeting timing causes stir
Wisconsin GOP started legal process to fix state and federal law conflict about Electoral College meeting dates. The dispute focused on one-day difference for casting states 10 electoral votes

Back in late-16‚ Wisconsin Republican Party members went to court seeking resolution for a timing mix-up in electoral laws (which showed different dates for the Electoral College meeting)
The state-level regulations pointed to Dec 16th as meeting day: first Monday after second Wednesday; however federal guidelines specified Dec 17th - the first Tuesday following that same Wednesday. This created a real-world scheduling issue for the states ten electoral votes
The timing conflict needed quick fixing since President-elect Trumpʼs electoral votes were at stake. Wisconsin law-makers found themselves caught between two different legal requirements: state rules saying one thing federal rules saying another. The situation showed how even small details in election processes can create unexpected issues that need court guidance to resolve