Multiple states hit with polling station threats on key election day
Numerous polling stations across five US states got bomb-threat messages causing brief closures. Officials point to foreign-based email accounts while voting continues with extended hours

On this election-day morning multiple states faced a wave of bomb-threats targeting their voting spots. Adrian Fontes from Arizona and Brad Raffensperger from Georgia saw their states among others – Pennsylvania Michigan and Maine dealing with these issues
The FBI and local law-people checked many places but didnt find any real danger (though some spots had to pause voting for a bit). Most affected stations fixed the problem by staying open late: letting folks cast their votes anyway
Several state-heads think Russia might be behind this mess; the FBI noticed these threats came from Russian email-domains. This fits a pattern – just two days ago Moldova had the same kind of trouble during its own voting time. Still no one has rock-solid proof about whos really doing it
- Pennsylvania polling spots got hit
- Georgia stations faced threats
- Arizona locations dealt with messages
- Michigan places got warnings
- Maine voting areas received alerts
A high-up person who works with the government (speaking off-record) told Wall Street Journal that they havent made any final call about Russiaʼs part in this whole thing – even though Russia has tried to mess with US voting before