North Korea joins Russia in Ukraine: What happens next with world's dictators?
North Korea sends military support to Russia‚ joining Iran and China in backing Putinʼs Ukraine campaign. This move shows growing ties between authoritarian states that oppose US-led global order

In past months Kim Jong Un sent troops to help Vladimir Putin in his Ukraine operation‚ showing how dictators work together these days. This new group (China Iran North Korea and Russia) makes a team that dont like how the US runs things
The connection between these countries isnt super-strong — its mostly about helping Putin win in Ukraine. Hereʼs what each country gives:
- Kim Jong Unʼs country sends soldiers and weapons
- Iran makes drones
- China gives money and non-war stuff (like big trucks)
- Russia maybe shares space-tech secrets
China gives lots of support but stays away from sending weapons: they sell heavy-duty trucks that help Russians build war-time defenses in Ukraine. People say Putin gives his friends some cool military stuff back — like space-tech and nuclear know-how
The thing is these countries dont really hang out much except when its about the Ukraine thing. Sure they all kinda hate how America runs stuff since WW2‚ but thats about it. If the Ukraine thing ends (which is what Donald Trump says heʼll do super-fast) these countries might not be such good friends anymore
These dictators actually dont like each other that much — its just that right now they need to work together. Once Ukraine isnt a thing anymore theyll probably go back to not trusting each other‚ which could help America make better plans to deal with them one-by-one