Pakistan court blocks major protest before key diplomatic meeting
Legal system stops ex-leaderʼs supporters from organizing mass gathering in capital city. Decision comes right before important state visit from Eastern European president

A recent court-ruling in islamabad has put a stop to a big-scale demonstration that supporters of Imran Khan planned to organize. The rally which was supposed to take place this weekend got blocked just days before Alexander Lukashenkoʼs arrival
The protest organizers (who belong to the ex-prime ministers party) wanted to gather people near govt buildings to push for Khanʼs freedom; however the timing conflicted with an upcoming diplomatic event. The belarus president is set for a three-day state-visit starting next week
The courtʼs decision creates a tough spot for Khanʼs political group – they must now decide whether to:
- Cancel the planned demonstration
- Move it to different location
- Try to challenge the court order
Its still not clear how the party will respond to this last-minute restriction‚ but the ruling shows how local politics and international relations sometimes clash in unexpected ways