Pentagon leadership pick hits roadblock as Trump team explores other options
Trumpʼs Pentagon nominee faces tough questions from Senate about personal matters. Transition team already looking at new candidates including Floridaʼs governor

In Washington D.C‚ Pete Hegsethʼs nomination for Pentagon leadership position got stuck in a tricky spot: senators raised questions about his background (which made things complicated for the confirmation process). The Trump team — dealing with mounting pressure — started to check-out other possible picks.
Ron DeSantis‚ Floridaʼs well-known governor became one of the top back-up choices; the transition team didnt waste time exploring alternatives. A source close to the process said theyʼre taking a real hard look at different candidates now
The whole situation turned into a real head-scratcher — Senate members got some concerning info about Hegseth that needed checking. The transition team seemed extra-careful about picking someone who could get through the Senateʼs approval process without too much trouble. Its clear they want to avoid any last-minute surprises that might slow things down