Quebec party joins forces to challenge Trudeau's leadership
Quebec nationalists team up with opposition to counter Liberal minority government. Recent polls show Conservatives ahead while Trudeau seeks another term in upcoming election

In a significant political move a Quebec nationalist group announced theyʼll join other opposition forces to challenge Justin Trudeauʼs minority administration (which holds just 153 out of 338 parliament seats)
The current situation shows Trudeauʼs Liberal Party needs constant support from other parties to pass any laws; this creates an un-stable political climate. Recent nation-wide polls indicate Trudeauʼs party is falling behind the Conservatives as next years election approaches
The public mood has shifted against the current government — many citizens feel un-happy about rising prices and post-pandemic economic issues. Trudeau who wants to get a fourth term as Prime Minister faces tough opposition from multiple political groups: their main goal is to prevent him from staying in power
The Quebec-based partyʼs decision shows how regional political forces can affect national politics; this creates more pressure on the Liberal government that already struggles to maintain its position. Recent surveys suggest most Canadians want change in leadership‚ but nobody knows what will happen next