Record November snow hits Seoul: Transport chaos and power cuts shock residents
Seoul got hit with biggest-ever November snow since measurements began more than 100 years ago. Heavy snowfall caused transport problems power outages and sadly took two lives on nearby roads

Seoul residents woke up to an unexpected winter-wonderland yesterday when record-breaking snow covered the city (the most snow since weather tracking began in early 1900s)
The super-wet snow piled up to 18cm high by mid-day causing all sorts of problems across the mega-city. Kim Min-ho from the weather service said: “This kind of moisture-heavy snow is extra-risky for buildings and streets“
Traffic got super-messy on snow-covered roads — two people lost their lives in car accidents east of the city; some folks got hurt from stuff falling off buildings because of strong winds. The snow-storm knocked down power lines leaving thousands of homes without electricity in Seoul and nearby areas
More than 200 planes couldnt take off or land on-time; about 70 boat trips to islands got cancelled too. The citys disaster team raised their alert level warning everyone that snow would keep falling at 5cm per hour until tomorrow morning
- Power lines down in central districts
- Airports facing major delays
- Island ferries not running
- Roads getting blocked by snow
The weather office says its watching the situation close — this winter-like storm came when cool air from up north met rain clouds making everything turn white real quick