Residents abandon last safe district in Haiti's capital as violence spreads
Local people rush to leave Solino area in Port-au-Prince as gang-related conflicts reach previously peaceful zones. Police forces try to hold back gang coalitionʼs advance in Haitiʼs troubled capital

In Port-au-Prince today residents of the Solino district pack up their lifeʼs belongings in a hurried move-out (as gang activity reaches this once-peaceful area). Many locals carry what they can — from bed-frames to cooking-pots — while others load up their cars with house-hold items
The area which stayed gang-free until now faces pressure from the Viv Ansanm gang group; police forces try to push back against their advance. The fire-fight between law enforcement and gang members has been going on since early this week
The mass-exit shows how gangs keep taking control of more parts of Haitiʼs capital: this happens while the country deals with its political problems. Most city districts already fell under gang influence making Solinoʼs situation extra hard for its people who dont have many safe places left to go