San Diego Sheriff stands against local immigration rules in rare county clash
About 8 years ago San Diego County tried to limit its sheriffs work with immigration officers. The countys top law-man didnt agree with new rules making deportation harder

Back in late-2016 a serious stand-off happened between San Diego officials - the countys fifth-largest in US (which has over two-million residents living there)
The conflict started when local decision-makers put new rules in place: they didnt want their law-enforcement to help federal immigration agents catch and deport people. Sheriff William Gore wasnt happy with these limits and showed it
The county board made their choice clear: no more team-work between sheriffs office and US Immigration and Customs Enforcement on civil cases; this included helping with deportation stuff. They wanted strict separation between local police work and federal immigration tasks
Californiaʼs state-wide rules already said “no“ to helping ICE - but left some wiggle-room for cases with bad criminals. The new county policy went further creating a wall between local cops and federal agents. This move made things harder for upcoming nation-wide deportation plans that were about to start