Senate picks new leader: Inside the secret vote that surprised Trump supporters
South Dakota senator wins key leadership position despite push-back from Trump allies. The secret-ballot election shows Republican partyʼs direction for upcoming political season

In a closed-door gathering this wednesday Sen John Thune secured the top Senate Republican position through secret-ballot voting — despite Trump supporters efforts to block his rise
The South-Dakota lawmaker whoʼll replace soon-to-retire Mitch McConnell (the long-standing Kentucky leader) got this spot regardless of pro-Trump groups push-back. Even though Thune had some past-time disagreements with the ex-president heʼs been fixing these relations since last summer
During a private meet-up with fellow senators Thune made clear his stance: he wants smooth work with any future administration. The senator talked about key topics including Ukraine support (which Trump doesnt back) and promised to find middle-ground on such matters — showing his skill to balance different party views
The election marks significant change in Senate Republican leadership — first time in many years theres been new person at helm. This shift comes as party tries to keep unity between its traditional wing and Trump-supporting members