Senator helps controversial Florida pick get support for top justice role
Trumpʼs team moves forward with cabinet picks as ethics probe looms. Ohio senator takes lead in gathering support for potential attorney general nominee amid ongoing investigation

JD Vance is working to get fellow senators on-board with Donald Trumpʼs choice for attorney general – former Florida rep Matt Gaetz. The Ohio senator (whos been picked as vice president) is now taking Gaetz around to meet with other lawmakers
The push for support comes at an un-easy time: the House Ethics Committee hasnt finished its look into claims about Gaetzʼs past behavior; including some very-serious accusations about trafficking and drug-related issues
Meanwhile Trump keeps building his future government team with some well-known faces: Linda McMahon (who helped run his change-over team) is gonna be the new education boss. The ex-wrestling company leader would get to run Americas school system if everything works out
- Current cabinet picks include business-world names
- More announcements expected in coming weeks
- Senate will need to approve most positions
The whole process of getting these jobs filled is moving fast – even with some push-back from different sides. Its clear that Trump wants to have his team ready-to-go when he takes over in early 25