Sudden power shift in Syria leaves experts questioning military stability
Quick two-day advance by opposition forces changes Syriaʼs military landscape in unexpected ways. Government troops retreat from key areas while insurgents gain control of strategic locations

In a swift turn-of-events‚ opposition forces have made un-expected progress across northern and central Syria within just 48 hrs. The quick-moving advance shows better-than-usual rebel coordination and points to weakened government support (which nobody saw coming)
The situation in Aleppo — a key battle-ground city — has changed dramatically‚ with insurgents now holding most areas. This marks a big shift from 8 yrs back when President Bashar al-Assadʼs troops had full control; that victory was thought to be the wars turning point
Video evidence shows government forces either pulled back or just disappeared‚ letting the well-planned rebel push go farther than anyone thought possible. Military experts point to several factors behind this success:
- Improved rebel group organization
- Reduced strength of Assadʼs military partners
- Un-expected collapse of army positions
The speed of these changes caught many off-guard‚ showing how fast things can shift in this long-running conflict