Tech leaders gather in Las Vegas to discuss future business under Trump 2.0
Top tech investors and company founders meet to explore business possibilities if Trump returns to office. The group discusses potential changes to government contracts and industry regulations

Tech industry big-shots see bright business chances if Trump gets back to the White House. Start-up creators and money-people think its gonna be good for tech growth — they want less rules and more govʼt deals (which could make them lots of cash)
The mood was up-beat at a meet-up in Las Vegas where Republican money-givers talked about tech future. The get-together was set up by Rockbridge Network: a right-wing group that JD Vance helped start. Vance — who used to work with start-ups but now does politics — has close ties to Trump and works as his VP; making the whole thing extra interesting for tech folks who came there
The meeting showed how some tech leaders think about whats coming: they see less red-tape and more chances to work with government. These business-minded folks believe Trump 2.0 could mean a tech boom — something that got people talking at the conference