Time runs out: Biden's last chance to shape federal courts before power shift

Senate faces tight deadline to confirm over 25 federal judge picks before presidential transition. Former president aims to block confirmations and repeat his success in reshaping courts

November 13 2024 , 11:06 AM  •  3516 views

Time runs out: Biden's last chance to shape federal courts before power shift

The Senate Democrats race against time to secure Joe Bidens judicial nominees‚ with over two-dozen confirmations hanging in the balance. The clock is ticking as President-elect Donald Trump tells GOP members to stop these appointments; this puts extra pressure on the democratic majority

The stakes are high since any non-confirmed positions could shift to conservative picks after the transition (a scenario that would expand Trumps influence on the nations courts). During his first white-house term about 4 years ago Trump already changed the legal landscape by putting more than 200 right-leaning judges in place: including three supreme-court justices

The federal courts current right-wing direction comes from Trumps earlier picks – judges who made many pro-conservative decisions in the last few years. Their choices shaped everything from voting rights to environmental rules; now theres a chance to continue this path with new appointments