Tourist bus tragedy: Natural disaster hits key Indonesian road route
Heavy rainfall caused deadly landslide on busy Indonesian road connecting major city Medan to Berastagi. Tourist bus got caught under mud-and-rock slide leading to multiple casualties

On this rainy thursday morning a devastating earth-slide hit North Sumatras main transport route causing seven deaths (including bus operator and tourists)
The disaster struck the vital road-link between Medan city and Berastagi town; heavy downpour triggered massive dirt-and-rock movement that buried a passenger vehicle
The incident happened during peak rain-season on the regions most-used transport connection: rescue teams found victims trapped inside their bus which was completely covered by fallen trees mud and debris. The busy highway — connecting provincial capital to nearby districts — got blocked due to this nature-caused accident
The rescue operation took place in Sibolangit area where emergency workers had to dig through thick layers of earth to reach the trapped vehicle. Local authorities confirm that this is not the first such incident in the area this week; making it a high-risk zone during wet-season months