UN General Assembly: Global Leaders Address World Challenges

The 79th UN General Assembly opens with key speeches from world leaders. Biden calls for unity, Zelensky addresses Security Council, and Middle East tensions escalate amid diplomatic efforts.

September 24 2024, 11:34 PM  •  621 views

UN General Assembly: Global Leaders Address World Challenges

The 79th United Nations General Assembly's high-level week commenced on September 24, 2024, marking a significant gathering of global leaders. This year's session features 194 speakers, with only 19 women among them, highlighting the ongoing gender disparity in international diplomacy.

Joe Biden delivered what may be his final major foreign policy address as U.S. President. He emphasized the importance of international cooperation and democratic values, stating, "We are stronger together than alone." Biden announced a donation of 1 million mpox vaccines to African nations and $500 million in aid to combat the virus outbreak.


Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine's President, addressed the UN Security Council, underscoring the need to respect the UN Charter's principles of territorial sovereignty. The meeting was not without tension, as Russia's UN ambassador, Vasily Nebenzya, criticized Zelensky's invitation to speak.

"Vladimir Putin, when you fire missiles into Ukraine hospitals, we know who you are. When you send mercenaries into African countries, we know who you are. When you murder opponents in European cities, we know who you are. Your invasion is in your own interests. Yours alone."

British Foreign Secretary David Lammy

The Middle East situation remains volatile, with Israel striking over 1,500 targets in Lebanon, targeting Hezbollah. The militant group retaliated with approximately 300 rockets into Israel. Danny Danon, Israel's UN ambassador, claimed intelligence of an impending "massive attack" by Hezbollah against Israeli civilians.

The General Debate began with Brazil's traditional opening remarks, followed by the United States. This tradition dates back to the UN's early days when Brazil volunteered to speak first. The UN, established in 1945, now comprises 193 member states and has won the Nobel Peace Prize 12 times.

Interestingly, the UN headquarters in New York is located in an area called "Turtle Bay," a name with debated origins. The UN complex, completed in 1952, includes the iconic Secretariat Building standing 154 meters tall.

As the General Assembly progresses, it's worth noting that while it can make recommendations, it cannot issue binding resolutions. The UN operates in six official languages and has its own postal administration, issuing unique stamps.

The ongoing session will address pressing global issues, showcasing the UN's role in fostering international dialogue and cooperation. With peacekeeping operations in 12 countries and a budget of approximately $3.2 billion for 2024, the UN continues to play a crucial role in global affairs.