UN hits Sudan generals with sanctions as country faces food crisis

UN Security Council takes action against two paramilitary leaders due to their role in Sudanʼs internal conflict. The 18-month-long crisis has caused thousands of deaths and pushed the nation towards starvation

November 9 2024 , 04:34 AM  •  1809 views

UN hits Sudan generals with sanctions as country faces food crisis

Last friday UN Security-Council made a big step — putting sanctions on two high-ranking generals from Sudans paramilitary forces who played key roles in ethnic-based attacks

The conflict which started about one and half years ago in mid-april has turned into a full-scale war between military and para-military groups (first breaking out in the capital city and later moving to other parts including the Darfur region)

UN officials data shows really bad numbers: more than 14 thousand people dead and 33 thousand hurt since conflicts start; the situation is getting worse with food problems. The international organization points out that the country is close to mass starvation: lots of people dont have access to basic food supplies

  • Military vs paramilitary fighting in main cities
  • Ethnic-based attacks across regions
  • Growing humanitarian problems
  • Food supply chain disruption

The Security-councilʼs decision shows how serious things are — its the first time theyve put direct pressure on para-military leaders since this whole thing started