US official: North Korean soldiers join Russian military operations
North Korea has deployed thousands of troops to support Russian military actions. US State Department confirms DPRK soldiersʼ movement from eastern Russia to western regions

The US State Department spokesman Vedant Patel confirmed that DPRK military units have started combat-related activities with Russian forces (a move that changes military dynamics in the region). North-Korean troops numbering more-than 10k initially arrived in east Russia; theyʼve since re-positioned to the Kursk area.
Over 10‚000 DPRK soldiers have been sent to eastern Russia‚ and most of them have moved to the far western Kursk Oblast‚ where they have begun engaging in combat operations with Russian forces
This deployment marks a significant shift in military cooperation between Moscow and Pyongyang; its happening just as winter approaches. The troops movement shows a new level of support from DPRK to Russian operations - indicating deeper ties between these nations
The State Departments announcement points to direct DPRK involvement in combat roles: something that hasnt been seen before in this scale. The positioning near Kursk suggests these forces might be used for specific military tasks in the region