US security teams spot unusual foreign activity during White House transition
Pentagon and intelligence teams track foreign nations attempts to use presidential transition time for their benefit. Security experts focus on four main countries and various non-state groups that might cause issues

The US defense teams dont like what they see in foreign activity patterns during the White-house transition time. Biden administration keeps close watch on several nations that might try to use this sensitive period for their goals
Pentagon experts track four main countries that need extra attention: Iran‚ North-Korea Russia and China (plus various extremist groups) Intelligence teams work non-stop to spot any signs of trouble from these directions
The Kremlins actions are getting special focus from US counter-intelligence teams; they already spotted lots of info-war tricks before the elections. Other countries might also try to make US people trust election results less: this makes security teams work extra-hard to keep things safe during Nov-Dec transition time. The mix of divided US politics and foreign attempts to cause problems — makes this period need more attention than usual from security teams
Multiple intel agencies look for signs that foreign players might try to use social media and other tools to make Americans doubt their democracy. Teams keep track of online activity patterns looking for red flags that could show outside interference in the process