What happens to global order if Trump loses next US election?

US election results contestation could create worldwide power vacuum and give opportunities to hostile states. Global security experts warn about risks in Ukraine and Middle East regions

October 28 2024 , 02:28 PM  •  1186 views

What happens to global order if Trump loses next US election?

The upcoming nov-5 election brings unexpected risks if Donald Trump loses to Kamala Harris — not just for America but worldwide (experts say post-election chaos might be worse than previous time)

The worldʼs situation is way different than during last election mess: Ukraine fights Russia while Middle-East conflicts heat up; making US political mess extra-dangerous. Its not just about domestic problems anymore: the whole democratic-world vs autocracies balance depends on whats happening in Washington

In the immediate aftermath‚ Trump refusing to concede would suck up the attention of every politician and news organization on Earth‚ leaving little bandwidth to deal with anything else

Brian Klaas‚ UCL global politics professor

Ukraine faces real trouble this winter. Jade McGlynn from Kings College (whos now in east Ukraine) points out that Russia got lots of Iran-made weapons; ready to hit Ukrainian cities when cold comes. NATO thinks Moscow might use post-election mess to start big attacks — just like they did with Syria back in 2016

The Middle-East situation looks different: regional powers dont care much about US politics anymore. Aaron David Miller‚ ex-State Department advisor explains: if Iran-Israel fights get bigger nobody knows how America would react during election mess. The problem is — Washington lost its power to control whats happening there over last decade

Nic Cheeseman from Birmingham University thinks the biggest long-term problem is how US democracy looks to others. When Americas streets get violent and elections look fake; Russia and China can easily show their people that communist control works better than freedom and rights do. Plus diplomacy gets stuck when new president cant even put their team in place