Young masked attackers target Jewish neighborhood in Sydney with shocking act
Two masked people damaged property in Woollahra‚ Sydneyʼs largest Jewish community area. Federal police formed special task-force to handle similar incidents across Australia

In a troubling mid-week incident‚ Sydneys Woollahra district (home to Australias biggest Jewish population) saw property damage when suspects burned a vehicle and left anti-Israel messages on walls
The local authorities are now searching for two young-looking suspects — aged somewhere between 15 and 20 — who were spotted at crime scene wearing dark-colored clothes and face-coverings. Inspector James Thompson mentioned: these individuals tried to hide their identityʼs using masks or balaclavas
Just days before this attack‚ Australian federal law-enforcement created a special task-force to deal with similar hate-driven incidents; which have been happening more often across the nation lately. The police department stated that theyʼre treating this as an anti-semitic crime (which needs immediate attention)
The eastern-Sydney neighborhood has been under increased watch since the incident‚ with local community leaders working side-by-side with authorities to prevent such acts from happening again