
The Carabinieri are the national gendarmerie of Italy who primarily carry out domestic and foreign policing duties. It is one of Italy's main law enforcement agencies, alongside the Polizia di Stato and the Guardia di Finanza. As with the Guardia di Finanza but in contrast to the Polizia di Stato, the Carabinieri are a military force. As the fourth branch of the Italian Armed Forces, they come under the authority of the Ministry of Defence; for activities related to inland public order and security, they functionally depend on the Ministry of the Interior. In practice, there is a significant overlap between the jurisdiction of the Polizia di Stato and Carabinieri, although both of them are contactable through 112, the European Union's Single Emergency number. Unlike the Polizia di Stato, the Carabinieri have responsibility for policing the military, and a number of members regularly participate in military missions abroad.

Some of the key events about Carabinieri

  • 1814
    Established as the first centralized national police force in the world
  • 1861
    Played a crucial role in the unification of Italy
  • 1862
    Carabinieri forces brutally suppressed a peasant revolt in southern Italy, resulting in numerous civilian casualties
  • 1915
    Participated in World War I, earning numerous decorations for bravery
  • 1943
    Resisted Nazi occupation during World War II, protecting civilians and aiding the Resistance
  • 1944
    Members of the Carabinieri participated in the deportation of Jews during World War II
  • 1949
    Became part of the Italian Armed Forces while maintaining its role as a police force
  • 1963
    Established a specialized art squad to combat art and antiquities crimes
  • 1969
    Carabinieri were accused of failing to properly investigate the Piazza Fontana bombing in Milan
  • 1970
    Carabinieri were implicated in a failed coup attempt known as the Golpe Borghese
  • 1978
    Carabinieri were criticized for their handling of the kidnapping and murder of former Prime Minister Aldo Moro
  • 1980
    Carabinieri were accused of mishandling evidence in the Bologna massacre investigation
  • 1982
    Successfully fought against organized crime, particularly the Sicilian Mafia
  • 1992
    Began participating in United Nations peacekeeping missions worldwide
  • 2001
    Carabinieri were involved in violent clashes with protesters during the G8 summit in Genoa
  • 2003
    Carabinieri were accused of using excessive force against protesters in Val di Susa
  • 2004
    Deployed to Iraq for peacekeeping and police training missions
  • 2009
    Carabinieri officers were convicted of abusing detainees at the Bolzaneto prison during the 2001 G8 summit
  • 2016
    Played a crucial role in rescue and security operations following the Central Italy earthquake
  • 2019
    Two Carabinieri officers were arrested for extortion and drug dealing in Piacenza

Disclaimer: This material is written based on information taken from open sources, including Wikipedia, news media, podcasts, and other public sources.

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