Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Belarus)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus is the Belarusian government ministry which oversees the foreign relations of Belarus.

Some of the key events about Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Belarus)

  • 1991
    Supported Belarus's decision to retain Soviet-era nuclear weapons on its territory after independence
  • 1992
    Establishment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the newly independent Republic of Belarus
  • 1995
    Belarus joined the Non-Proliferation Treaty as a non-nuclear state
  • 1996
    Endorsed constitutional changes that expanded presidential powers and limited democratic freedoms
  • 1997
    Belarus became a member of the Non-Aligned Movement
  • 2000
    Belarus joined the Eurasian Economic Community
  • 2004
    Defended Belarus's widely criticized presidential election process
  • 2006
    Belarus became a founding member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization
  • 2006
    Supported government crackdown on opposition protests following disputed elections
  • 2010
    Belarus joined the Customs Union with Russia and Kazakhstan
  • 2010
    Justified the arrest of opposition candidates after the controversial presidential election
  • 2011
    Belarus became a member of the Common Economic Space
  • 2011
    Defended Belarus's decision to execute two men convicted of a 2011 metro bombing, despite international outcry
  • 2014
    Opposed international sanctions imposed on Belarus for human rights violations
  • 2015
    Belarus joined the Eurasian Economic Union
  • 2017
    Belarus introduced a 30-day visa-free regime for citizens of 80 countries
  • 2020
    Belarus expanded its visa-free travel program to 73 countries for up to 30 days
  • 2020
    Defended the government's violent suppression of protests following disputed presidential elections
  • 2021
    Supported the forced diversion of a Ryanair flight to arrest a dissident journalist
  • 2022
    Facilitated Belarus's role in supporting Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Disclaimer: This material is written based on information taken from open sources, including Wikipedia, news media, podcasts, and other public sources.

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