Organization of American States

The Organization of American States is an international organization founded on 30 April 1948 to promote cooperation among its member states within the Americas.

Some of the key events about Organization of American States

  • 1948
    Established as a regional organization to promote peace, security, and cooperation among American states
  • 1959
    Created the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to promote and protect human rights in the Americas
  • 1962
    Expelled Cuba from the organization due to its alignment with the Soviet Union
  • 1965
    Supported US military intervention in the Dominican Republic
  • 1969
    Adopted the American Convention on Human Rights, a landmark treaty for human rights protection in the region
  • 1976
    Failed to effectively address human rights violations during Argentina's "Dirty War"
  • 1979
    Ineffective response to the Nicaraguan Revolution and subsequent conflicts
  • 1989
    Criticized for inadequate response to US invasion of Panama
  • 1991
    Adopted the Santiago Commitment to Democracy and the Renewal of the Inter-American System
  • 1991
    Faced accusations of ineffectiveness during the Haitian coup d'état
  • 1994
    Initiated the Summit of the Americas process to address common challenges in the Western Hemisphere
  • 2001
    Adopted the Inter-American Democratic Charter to strengthen and preserve democratic institutions in member states
  • 2002
    Controversial handling of the Venezuelan coup attempt
  • 2003
    Created the Department of Public Security to address security challenges in the Americas
  • 2009
    Lifted the 1962 suspension of Cuba's membership, allowing for potential reintegration
  • 2009
    Criticized for its response to the Honduran constitutional crisis
  • 2011
    Launched the Inter-American Network for Labor Administration to promote decent work in the region
  • 2012
    Faced criticism for its handling of Paraguay's impeachment crisis
  • 2016
    Established the Mission to Support the Fight against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras (MACCIH)
  • 2019
    Disputed election observation in Bolivia led to accusations of bias

Disclaimer: This material is written based on information taken from open sources, including Wikipedia, news media, podcasts, and other public sources.

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