Paul Biya

Paul Biya is a Cameroonian politician who is the second president of Cameroon since 6 November 1982, having previously been the prime minister of Cameroon from 1975 to 1982. He is the second-longest-ruling president in Africa, the longest consecutively serving current non-royal national leader in the world and the oldest head of state in the world. He is regarded as an authoritarian leader and a dictator.

Some of the key events about Paul Biya

  • 1962
    Graduated from the National School of Administration and Magistracy in Paris
  • 1975
    Appointed Minister of State for Education
  • 1979
    Became Prime Minister of Cameroon
  • 1982
    Assumed presidency following the resignation of Ahmadou Ahidjo
  • 1982
    Assumed presidency through constitutional succession without an election
  • 1984
    Thwarted an attempted coup d'état
  • 1984
    Suppressed an attempted coup, leading to numerous arrests and executions
  • 1990
    Legalized multiparty politics in Cameroon
  • 1990
    Reluctantly legalized opposition parties after intense pressure
  • 1992
    Won Cameroon's first multiparty presidential election
  • 1992
    Won a widely criticized election marred by fraud allegations
  • 1997
    Amended the constitution to extend presidential term limits
  • 2000
    Established the National Anti-Corruption Commission
  • 2004
    Renamed the ruling party to consolidate power, sidelining potential rivals
  • 2006
    Launched the "Greater Achievements" program for economic development
  • 2008
    Changed the constitution to remove presidential term limits
  • 2011
    Won re-election in a vote deemed flawed by international observers
  • 2016
    Deployed troops to combat Boko Haram in northern Cameroon
  • 2016
    Violently suppressed protests in Anglophone regions, escalating into conflict
  • 2018
    Won another term in an election boycotted by major opposition parties

Disclaimer: This material is written based on information taken from open sources, including Wikipedia, news media, podcasts, and other public sources.

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