
Mali targets top gold mining boss: What's behind the arrest warrant drama


Maliʼs authorities made a bold move against Barrick Goldʼs top executive over money-related charges. The west-african countryʼs recent mining law changes led to growing issues with foreign companies

Maliʼs government took action against Mark Bristow‚ the head of Barrick Gold causing a stir in mining circles. The arrest warrant (dated dec-2) points to money-laundering and financial rule-breaking

The west-african nation which stands among continents top gold producers changed its mining rules this fall aiming to get more money from foreign companies operations. The situation got worse when local officials detained four high-ranking Barrick workers in early-fall

About two months ago Bristow seemed positive about fixing things with Maliʼs government: his words didnt match reality though. Soon after his statement the mining giant had to deal with formal charges against its workers who stayed in custody waiting for court dates

Barrick Gold – the worlds second-biggest gold producer – chose to keep quiet about this new warrant. The companyʼs silence comes at a time when Maliʼs mining sector faces big changes: the government wants more control over its mineral wealth (which makes foreign companies nervous)

The whole thing shows how Maliʼs push for better mining deals is making things hard for international companies; the countrys new rules are changing how business works in its gold-rich regions

Olivia Greene


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