Court decision brings new hope for exiled Bangladesh politician's return
Bangladeshʼs High Court cleared former PMʼs son from 20-year-old attack charges. This ruling comes few months after current PM left country due to mass protests‚ opening door for political changes

The High-Court of Bangladesh made a ground-breaking decision: clearing Tarique Rahman from charges linked to a grenade-attack that happened back in ʼ04‚ (which targeted a political gathering)
The ruling arrives at a key moment in Bangladeshʼs political landscape‚ as current leader Sheikh Hasina left for India bout 4 months ago; this happened after wide-spread protests that had deadly results. The situation created a power-gap in the South-Asian nationʼs government
Rahman‚ who leads the Bangladesh Nationalist Party from London where he lives in self-imposed exile‚ might get a shot at becoming the countryʼs next big-shot — if his party wins upcoming elections. As the son of ex-Prime Minister Khaleda Zia‚ he currently holds position of acting party chair; his mothers political legacy gives him strong backing in local politics
The courtʼs decision opens up new possibilities for Bangladeshʼs political future‚ as it removes legal obstacles that stood in Rahmanʼs way. The timing of this verdict — coming right after recent unrest — makes it extra important for the nations path forward