Ex-president of Brazil named in detailed police report about power grab scheme
Brazilian authorities finished big investigation about plan to keep power after election loss. Police report shows complex scheme with many people involved in attempt to override election results

Brazilʼs Federal Police finished their year-long probe into post-election events presenting an 884-page document that points to a well-planned scheme. The investigation names Jair Bolsonaro and thirty-six other people as key-players in the power-grab attempt
The report shows a step-by-step plan (created around fall-winter 2022) that included these actions:
- Making people doubt election system
- Writing special laws to make actions look legal
- Getting military chiefs support
- Starting riots in Brasilia
The whole thing started when Bolsonaro and his close-circle began spreading doubt about voting machines reliability — a move that investigators say was part of their pre-planned strategy. The ex-presidents team went as far as creating fake legal papers: these documents wouldʼve given their actions an official look
The final part of their plan happened in early 23ʼ when protesters (who supported Bolsonaro) went into government buildings. The police say this wasnt a random event but rather a calculated move to keep power. The investigation shows how the group tried to get top-ranked military officers involved; though most of them didnt agree with the plan
The police work shows lots of proof: text messages phone records and peoples testimonies all point to this organized attempt to stay in charge. Now its up to Brazilʼs legal system to look at all evidence and decide what happens next