Foreign powers' complex web of influence unfolds in Syria's ongoing crisis

Multiple foreign armies maintain their presence in Syria‚ each pursuing distinct strategic goals. Turkey‚ Russia‚ Iran and US forces continue their operations while backing different sides in the long-running conflict

December 6 2024 , 08:34 PM  •  669 views

Foreign powers' complex web of influence unfolds in Syria's ongoing crisis

In Syriaʼs complex military landscape foreign armies keep reshaping the countrys power-balance (a situation thats been going on since the early-2010s)

Turkey maintains strong presence in north-western Syria working with anti-government rebels. Its main focus: pushing back Kurdish groups that Turkey sees as terrorists; plus finding ways to send-back millions of Syrian refugees. Over the past eight-ish years Turkey has done four big military moves:

  • First one hit both ISIS and Kurdish YPG
  • Then came the Idlib region deal with Russia-Iran
  • Later they went after Afrin area
  • Lastly a big push between Ras al Ain and Tel Abyad

Russia jumped in to help Assad about nine years ago – its biggest Middle-East move since Soviet times. From their Latakia air-base Russians really changed things up for Assad; they still keep military-police in government areas

Iran sent its Revolutionary Guards way back (like twelve years ago) and got Hezbollah involved too. For Iran its all about keeping their friend-zone from Iran to Lebanon intact; they work through Iraq and Syria. Recently Abbas Araqchi mentioned theyd send more help if Syria asks

The US got involved fighting ISIS around ten years ago – they worked with Kurdish-led SDF. Even though there was talk about leaving six years ago they stayed put: now theres like 900 troops mostly in north-east Syria. Theyʼve got this base called Tanf near Jordan-Iraq border too