Former Pakistan leader makes bold announcement from behind bars

From his prison cell **Imran Khan** calls for mass-gathering in Peshawar next week. The ex-PM threatens civil resistance if authorities dont meet his demands about protest investigations

December 6 2024 , 02:56 PM  •  524 views

Former Pakistan leader makes bold announcement from behind bars

Imran Khan‚ Pakistans imprisoned ex-prime minister makes waves from his cell with new protest plans. The 72-year old former cricket-star wants his followers to meet-up in north-western Peshawar on dec 13th (a city where his party still holds power)

His main requests are clear-cut: investigate the protest march from late november where his party says 12 supporters died; also look into last years may violence that took 8 lives‚ and set-free all locked-up party members. “If these demands stay unmet‚ weʼll start civil pushback from dec 14 – the results are on governments hands‚“ he states

The situation is extra-complex because just yesterday Khan got charged for directing attacks on army buildings (which happened about 18 months ago). He says no to these blameʼs; his party thinks its all made-up stuff to keep him away from politics after he got into trouble with army chiefs before losing power in 2022

The government has its own story: they say nobody died in novembers protest-march‚ and Khans supporters did attack military spots last may. Right now the ex-PM sits in jail since about a year ago facing lots of different cases – something he and his team say is just payback from military heads (but they say thats not true)