Former president breaks decades-old White House traditions - here's what changed
Traditional ways of US presidential leadership faced unexpected changes in recent years. Previous unwritten rules and customs of White House behavior dont work like they used to anymore

The way US presidents handle their power has changed in un-precedented ways. Past leaders who held Americas top job always showed some level of modesty about their position (but thatʼs not the case anymore)
The usual path to presidency included state-level jobs or Congress work — which helped understand power-sharing basics: these experience-rich backgrounds made earlier presidents respect the systems checks-and-balances. Most notably they saw their position as temporary and knew its limitations
Previous White House residents accepted an un-written rule: executive power isnt permanent; its just borrowed from people. However Donald Trump changed this view dramatically — his approach to presidency broke many long-standing traditions that shaped US governance for generations
The old-school respect for institutions and power-sharing seems different now; presidential authority got re-defined in ways nobody expected. The shift from traditional presidential behavior to new-style leadership happened fast — making earlier White House customs look outdated