GOP lawmakers prepare for big changes after election success
Republican party members head to Capitol Hill with new confidence after recent victories. Theyʼre getting ready to take control and reshape current administrationʼs policies

Republican members of Congress are heading back to work next tuesday with extra confidence in their step: their recent wins in presidential and Senate races have set them up for a potential house-majority sweep (which would give them full control in Washington)
The race for House control isnt officially done yet but GOP representatives are moving forward like its already in the bag. Theyʼve scheduled leadership-voting sessions and started work on policy-changes that would re-shape current administrationʼs work — both inside US and abroad
Their main focus areas include:
* Getting new house leaders picked
* Making changes to current domestic rules
* Re-thinking foreign-policy decisions
Even though final house results might take a few more days Republican lawmakers are pushing ahead with their plans‚ showing theyʼre ready to take charge of things right-away