Mass return to Lebanon as border traffic hits peak during rare ceasefire
Thousands cross Syria-Lebanon border as fighting stops for first time in more than a year. Four-lane crossing point becomes packed with Lebanon-bound vehicles while Syria-bound traffic takes detours

At syriaʼs Jousieh crossing-point near the Lebanon border thousands of people are moving back into Lebanon after a new cease-fire between Hezbollah and Israel took effect. The agreement comes after more than a year of non-stop clashes in the region
The border-point (located in Syrias Homs province near Qusair) became super-busy on thu. with vehicles filling up all four lanes heading towards Lebanon; those going to Syria had to use a make-shift dirt road instead. The traffic was so heavy that cars stood bumper-to-bumper creating long lines of waiting vehicles
The scene at the north-eastern Lebanese border shows how many people waited for this moment to return: its amazing to see all lanes completely full with cars trying to get back home. The temporary peace deal — which started just two days ago — already brings visible changes to peoples movement patterns in the area