Middle East peace talks advance while Russia shows off new weapon system
A major breakthrough in Israel-Lebanon border talks comes as Netanyahu backs new cease-fire plan. Meanwhile NATO rushes to address Russias latest military tech development near Ukraine

The Israeli-Lebanese border situation might change soon as Benjamin Netanyahu gave his ok to a two-month cease-fire plan with Hezbollah; the deal needs final approval from Israeli cabinet (which meets on nov 26)
Mike Herzog‚ Israels US ambassador said the deal is close: talks focus on moving troops away from border areas setting-up a buffer-zone and letting Lebanese army take control. The plan aims to bring back UN resolution rules that stopped fighting back in 06
We think we have a deal but weʼre on the goal line
Fighting still goes on though - last weekend saw lots of action: Israel hit Beirut killing 29 people and Hezbollah fired back with rockets. Since last fall more than 3700 Lebanese died and 15000 got hurt in these attacks
In other news three Uzbek people got arrested in UAE for killing Rabbi Zvi Kogan (who was 28-years old). The crime happened in Dubai and UAE cops caught suspects fast. Netanyahu called it anti-jewish terror but UAE-Israel ties stay good
NATO leaders meet today to talk about Russias new super-fast missile - the Oreshnik which hit Ukraine last week. Vladimir Putin changed rules saying heʼll treat any NATO country attack as full alliance threat; this makes things more complex in east Europe
At a climate meeting in Baku countries agreed to give $300-billion yearly to help poor nations deal with weather changes. Some say its not enough - India thinks real needs are way higher around $1‚3-trillion per year
- Countries must switch from oil and gas
- Need to use more clean power by 2030
- Poor nations need more help with costs