Strange flying object near Taiwan raises new questions about Chinese activities
Taiwanʼs military spotted mysterious balloon floating north of its shores this weekend. This sighting comes just months before Taiwanʼs major election as part of unusual air activities near the island

Taiwanʼs defense officials spotted an odd sight this sunday - a high-flying balloon hovering about 60 nautical miles away from the islands northern coast. The un-identified object stayed in the area for roughly two hours floating at 33000 ft (which is way up in commercial planes territory)
The timing of this air-visitor is raising eye-brows as Taiwan prepares for its january elections; similar balloon activities have been noticed more often lately. The islandʼs military experts say these arent just random events - its part of a bigger pattern of non-traditional pressure tactics
Back in spring similar balloon was seen in the area and before that the whole world watched as US forces dealt with what they called a spy-balloon (even though Beijing said it was just weather equipment that went off-course). The defense ministry keeps track of these things: this one showed up at 6:21 pm near Keelung port and disappeared around 8 pm
Taiwanʼs government has its own view on these floating visitors - they see them as part of what military folks call grey-zone tactics: actions that push boundaries without starting a real fight. While Chinese officials keep saying these are just weather tools Taipei isnt buying that explanation
The island nation - which runs its own show despite Chinaʼs claims to own it - says only local people should decide Taiwanʼs future. Meanwhile Beijing hasnt said anything about this latest balloon showing up in the neighborhood