Swedish police bust IS-linked terror plot near Stockholm
Police arrested four Swedish citizens in Stockholm area after uncovering terror-related activities. The suspects had connections to IS in Somalia and local crime groups‚ with plans targeting Swedish society

In a major counter-terror operation about 9 months ago swedish law-enforcement detained four suspects in the stockholm region. Three of them now face serious charges related to IS-backed terrorism plans
The prosecution office filed charges against these swedish-born individuals for terror-related activities that happened from late-2023 to early-2024; the suspects had links to both international terror groups and local criminal networks (which made the case extra-complicated)
The three main defendants planned some kind of attack — although the exact target wasnt disclosed in court papers. “The goal was to create fear and destroy swedenʼs basic social structures in the name of IS‚“ the indictment states. The fourth person faces lesser charges for being part of a terror group
The investigation showed that all suspects were connected to an islamic center located in tyreso: a stockholm suburb. The case has a strong international angle with ties to IS-Somalia. One suspect was extra-active in trying to find under-age people who could do attacks
- The suspects are all swedish citizens
- They were caught after a long investigation
- The group had both local and international connections
- One member pledged loyalty to IS
The security services pointed out they made arrests right when they did to stop a possible attack from happening