Syrian rebels forced back from Hama after major territorial gains
Pro-government forces push-back rebels near Hama with heavy air-strikes and reinforcements. The fighting comes after insurgents captured Aleppo and nearby areas in a swift week-long offensive

Pro-government forces pushed-back rebel fighters from Hamaʼs outskirts after a week of dramatic territorial changes in Syria. The insurgents who captured Aleppo (Syrias biggest pre-war city) and nearby regions had to retreat due to intense air-strikes
Foreign fighters joined the government side as Bashar al-Assadʼs forces re-grouped near Hama. Iraqi and Afghan militia-men helped strengthen defensive positions while army units moved from other areas to support the counter-attack. The fighting focused on Jabal Zain al-Abidin hill which sits just 5km from the city center
We were forced to retreat under heavy enemy bombardment by air
The situation in Syria remains complex with many sides involved: Russia and Iran back the government; Turkey supports different rebel groups (including some along its border); and the US keeps troops in Kurdish-controlled areas. The current fighting could affect other regional issues — especially whats happening in Gaza and Lebanon
The north-western parts of Syria saw increased bombing in recent days with strikes hitting:
- Living areas
- Medical buildings
- Areas where people just returned home
Russiaʼs foreign ministry blamed un-named foreign powers for the rebel advance saying they wouldnt dare attack without outside help. Moscow even suggested (without showing proof) that rebels got drones and training from Ukraine
The civil war that started in 2011 changed Syria completely — hundreds of thousands died millions left the country and most cities went under government control. But now the frozen conflict shows signs of heating up again as Assadʼs allies deal with other problems: Russia focuses on Ukraine while Iran handles issues with Israel in Lebanon