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Opposition moving to court on frivolous matters, while ignoring oil issues – Civil Society

Opposition moving to court on frivolous matters, while ignoring oil issues – Civil Society

ExxonMobil, News, Oil & Gas

Kaieteur News – The main political opposition – A Partnership for National Unity +Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC ) has been criticized by members of civil society for their lack of interest in taking the necessary steps to protect the nation against the plundering of its oil resources.

Civil Society Activist, Ramon Gaskin

Civil Society Activist, Ramon Gaskin

The condemnation of the opposition’s posture towards Guyana’s most valued natural resource is rooted in observers saying that while Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton has been extremely critical of the administration and several representatives during their weekly press engagements, they have largely have shied away from addressing various oil and gas matters.

In an invited comment to Kaieteur News, civil society activist, Ramon Gaskin noted this is evidenced in the party’s tendency to challenge a number of frivolous matters in local courts while the injustices perpetuated in the petroleum industry are being ignored.
The public commentator noted that APNU+AFC‘s posture on oil matters is quite disappointing since it is the duty of the opposition to hold the government accountable on matters related to the country’s social and economic well-being.

“The opposition is quick to take cases to court for things like the appointment of a police commissioner and appeal things like the Bharrat Jagdeo libel case but what about the oil matters? We have not been getting those expenses audited and no word from the opposition on the lopsided oil contract. That PSA is a real problem for this country and the opposition is busy running to court for nonsense,” Gaskin said.

Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton

Leader of the Opposition, Aubrey Norton

TIGI President, Frederick Collins

TIGI President, Frederick Collins

He asserted that “oil is the single most important thing about Guyana right now” yet the opposition appears to have lost its head concerning it. “Instead of taking the time to move to court over who should be police commissioner, the APNU+AFC should be addressing the concerns of citizens as it relates to auditing the oil expenses. I want see them file a court case about that; not about Carol Joseph and Jagdeo fighting over some libel; these are minor matters in comparison to what the country is facing with oil,” Gaskin opined.

Gaskin noted too that the opposition needs to come clean on where they stand on oil issues.  “Mr. Norton as Leader of the Opposition seems to not want to touch oil issues but the country needs to know clearly what the party’s position is on this very important issue. When they were in government, it was this opposition that waivered Exxon’s taxes by an act of Parliament through the Finance Minister and they stood silently by when Glenn Lall moved to court over those taxes…,” Gaskin added.

President of the Transparency Institute of Guyana Inc. (TIGI), Frederick Collins shared similar views. He told Kaieteur News opposition is acting trustworthily when it comes to protecting Guyana’s oil. “I really haven’t heard or seen much from the Opposition on matters related to Guyana’s petroleum industry…So I don’t know what they are being paid to sit in the National Assembly for. They might as well be a civil society group. Because how can they justify being paid; collecting a salary to safeguard the country’s resources and not being effective?” he said. Collins opined that the APNU+AFC has been playing into that same narrative of the ruling People’s Progressive Party Civic Government.

Advocate for a fair oil deal, Dr. Jerry Jailall

Advocate for a fair oil deal, Dr. Jerry Jailall

“They appear not to want the contract to change for Guyana. They have been playing into the same narrative about the sanctity of contract. Their behaviour is mirroring the government. They seem to be on the same side as Exxon just like the government and against the people,” he asserted.

The TIGI President noted too that he could not think of a single court case that the opposition has filed on aspects of the unfair oil contract. “Even though the issues are so much, they have not been moving to court on these issues; we are the ones taking on the fight and we are not being paid …”

Meanwhile, overseas-based Guyanese and advocate for a fair oil deal, Dr. Jerry Jailall noted that the opposition has been standing idly by and allowing giveaways of the resources. He noted that the nation and even the Government expect that a vibrant Opposition will keep them on their toes. “The Opposition has no excuse to be missing in action when they should be advocating for the interests of the working poor. Mr. Glenn Lall seems to be doing what the Opposition should be doing in making Government accountable,” Dr.  Jailall said.

He urged that at a time when there are ongoing decisions, actions, and allocations on the use of the country’s natural resources, the APNU/AFC Opposition must pay very keen attention. “All such decisions being made and strenuously advocate for policies and decisions that protect the nation first and ensure that we get the bigger share of benefits from our natural resources,” Dr. Jailall said.