Lebanese neighborhood search continues as death toll rises in recent Beirut strike
A devastating strike hit Beiruts central district leaving dozens dead and many missing. Local residents and rescue teams continue searching through ruins while sharing stories of their lost neighbors

In a heart-wrenching scene at Beiruts Basta Fawqa district rescue workers dig through whats left of an eight-story building turned into a massive hole-in-the-ground (the deadliest hit in the area since last fall)
Laila Amayrad a local seamstress walks through her once-familiar streets counting friends she lost: “We felt safe here; there were no fighters or weapons“ she explains while watching dust-covered bulldozers move concrete blocks
The pre-dawn strike two days ago turned the building into rubble killing at-least 29 people including kids who came from south Lebanon to find shelter. The rescue-teams dont expect to find more survivors; however they keep looking for remains of those still missing
- No warning was given before the strike
- A previous oct-10 attack killed 22 people nearby
- Over 3‚750 deaths reported in past year
- Local security thinks bunker-buster bomb was used
Hassan Yassin who leads the rescue-team describes finding scattered body parts while Jaafar an 18-year old worker tells about discovering an elderly couple still in their wheelchairs. The dust-covered rescuers take turns resting on plastic chairs smoking cigarettes between shifts
The neighborhood which used to be known for its quiet streets and tight-knit community now stands as a reminder of how quick things can change. Israeli officials havent made any statements about this specific strike but say they target only military spots