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Five Points from Day 5 of the US Capitol Riot Hearing on January 6th

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Washington — 2021 On the fifth day of the January 6th parliamentary hearing, an attack on the US Capitol by supporters of Donald Trump will help the then president take power after losing the 2020 elections. I heard how to put pressure on the Justice Department.

The House of Representatives Special Committee investigating the attack includes three former Attorney Generals, then Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, his deputy Richard Donohue, and then Stephen, General Counsel. I received a testimony from. Engel.

The takeaway from the hearing on Thursday is as follows: The Justice Department's negligence in helping to investigate his false allegations in fraud attempts to dismiss Rosen and replace him with someone more obedient.

From December 23, 2020 to January 3, 2021, Trump called or met Rosen almost every day as his efforts to seize power became more urgent. He wanted Rosen to pursue a variety of measures, including the appointment of a special counsel to investigate allegations of fraudulent elections.

"A common factor in all of this was that the president complained to the Justice Department, which did not do enough to investigate fraudulent elections," Rosen said.

Rosen's deputy, Donohue, frankly said in a 90-minute conversation with Trump at the White House on December 27 that there was no merit in alleging fraud. Said he told.

"I wanted to get through the noise because it was clear that there were a lot of people whispering in his ears and giving him these conspiracy theories and claims," ​​Donohue said. rice field.

When Rosen told Trump at the same White House meeting that the Justice Department couldn't just ring his finger to change the outcome of the election, Trump replied immediately. Say it's corrupt and leave the rest to me and Republicans, "Donohue recalled.

New Year's Eve Meeting

Rosen and Donohue attend a meeting with the President at New Year's Eve White House, and Trump justifies a voting machine that Trump supporters claim to have. I asked why the ministry did not seize it. Manipulated to steal elections.

Rosen said his department had no legal authority to take that action.

Rosen told Trump that the Department of Homeland Security investigated the issue and found no problems with the voting machine.

At the end of the meeting, Trump said, "People tell me I should get rid of both of you."

Donohue told Trump: President, you should have the leadership you want. But understand that the US Department of Justice works on the basis of facts, evidence, and law. And they will not change.

Italian satellite

Trump is an unfounded internet base where Italian defense contractors have uploaded software to the satellite and switched votes from Trump to Democrat Joe Biden. Pressured Justice Ministry officials to investigate the conspiracy theory.

Rosen said the conspiracy theory promoted by former US intelligence agents was uncovered.

Republican Rep. Scott Perry sent a text message to Trump's Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, "Why can't we work with the Italian government?"

Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller at the time called the U.S. military attaché at the Italian embassy to seek an investigation, the Commission said, and how Trump governmented it. His own personal end, quoted as an example of what he pursued using the mechanism of.


Jeffrey Clark, an environmental lawyer for the Justice Department to support Trump, has Trump to support his efforts to overturn his election defeat to Biden. Was the central figure in the effort to use this department. Clark met Trump several times in the Oval Office, but without the knowledge of White House advisers Pat Cipollone and Rosen, this was an unusual protocol violation.

Perry, who helped spread the false statement of Trump's election fraud, sent a text to President's Chief of Staff Meadows to raise Clark's position within the Legal Department. Prompted to. He went out before the inauguration on January 20, when Trump was due to resign.

The hearing began shortly after it was revealed that federal law enforcement agencies had attacked a home in the Washington area of ​​Clark.

"Murder and Suicide" Letter

Clark in some Republican-controlled states, including Georgia, aimed to question Biden's election victory. Drafted a letter to be sent to the state legislature. The

letter alleged that the Justice Department was concerned about the outcome of elections in multiple states. At the time it was written, the department had already determined that no widespread fraud had occurred.

"Donald Trump, on behalf of Mr. Rosen, understands that Mr. Clark will send this letter and take other actions requested by the President. Liz Cheney, Republican Vice-Chairman of the Commission, said:

Donald Trump told the Commission that Clark was "very extreme to me." He said he had to read the letter twice to get a correct understanding of what he was proposing.

Mr. Donohue said Clark was worried when the Justice Department said he couldn't interfere with the election, saying, "I think a lot of people have interfered with this election." rice field.

The letter was never sent after Rosen and Donohue refused to sign. The White House adviser, Chiporon, said the letter was so toxic that it would never be seen again. (Written by Ross Colvin, Reported by Doina Chiacu, Moira Warburton, Sarah N. Lynch, Rose Horowitch, Edited by Scott Malone and Howard Goller)