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Jamaican Parliament again calls for lifting of US embargo on Cuba

Members of the Jamaican Parliament, in a show of bipartisan solidarity with the Cuban people, yesterday again urged the American Government to end the decades-long economic embargo against the Communist country.

Minister of State for Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade Alando Terrelonge, who opened the debate on the resolution, characterised the policy as cruel and devastating in many respects.

 The US economic embargo was imposed on Cuba by President John F. Kennedy after the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion against the then young administration of Fidel Castro in 1962.

In 2016 US President Barak Obama visited Cuba and eased some of the worst effects of the embargo, but the subsequent administrations of Donald Trump and Joe Biden reimposed many of those measures.

Former Foreign Affairs Minister Anthony Hylton, speaking for the Parliamentary Opposition, strongly denounced that change of posture.