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It’s Recommended To Get More Than One Property Appraisal

Selling a property is inherently stressful, and as a seller, you may be tempted to just accept the notion that ‘first is best’ so as to get the process over and done with. But, even if you need to sell your home quickly, taking a step back and doing things well will result in far better outcomes and much less regret than jumping in head-first.

One key area where it’s good to take some extra time is in respect to your property’s initial appraisal. An appraisal is an objective overview of a property that helps you determine the best selling price. Most good agents offer a free house appraisal, which is based on factors like the home’s age, location, similar types and selling prices of homes in the area, and the current market.

Other considerations that go into an appraisal include property size and amenities (e.g., a pool, garden, etc.) as well as maintenance concerns. A good agent will even recommend what maintenance or renovations you should do before marketing your property, and what you could leave for the new owners.

While the factors themselves are objective, subjectivity is still at play during an appraisal. Things like an agent’s own potential commission, desire to have a quick sales turnover, and interpretations of what buyers might be looking for can all influence an agent’s ultimate price recommendation. For this reason, having different reputable and knowledgeable agents who are active in your area come in to conduct an appraisal will help you make a more informed decision as to your final asking price.

Once you’ve settled on a fair selling price, it becomes easier to market your home and target the most likely buyers. This generally results in faster sales turnaround times and markedly less stress, which is a win for all involved.

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