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Sprig + Fern Brewing Co. Wins At Australian International Beer Awards 2022

Sprig + Fern Brewing Co. are celebrating the success of their entries into the 2022 Australian International Beer Awards (AIBA) this morning.

The local Nelson brewery sent their entries over to Melbourne to be judged amongst thousands of international entries earlier this month.

The prestigious beer industry awards were held last night at a presentation dinner at the Victoria Pavilion at Melbourne Showgrounds.

The medal winning beers:

Sprig + Fern Brewing Co. Awesome Mix Vol. 2, SILVER - AIBA - American-Style India Pale Ale

Sprig + Fern Brewing Co. The G.O.A.T Doppelbock, BRONZE – AIBA - Other Amber / Dark Lager

Sprig + Fern Brewing Co. Grizzly Porter, BRONZE – AIBA - Other / Brown Porter

Sprig + Fern Brewing Co. Broken Axe Scotch Ale, BRONZE - AIBA - Scotch Ale

Sprig + Fern Brewing Co. Master Brewer and Owner Tracy Banner says she is extremely proud of her team for the excellent results at AIBA. She would usually be a judge at these awards, but due to Covid restrictions was unable to attend this year.

“Knowing the entries we sent over did well, in particular, The G.O.A.T Doppelbock which has picked up another medal is very exciting.”

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