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5 Polio cases reported in Afghanistan; nationwide campaign begins

The Ministry of Public Health of Afghanistan has announced that polio vaccination has officially commenced in 24 provinces on Monday.

In a press release, the ministry said that more than 11 million children under five will be vaccinated through this vaccination campaign.

According to the statement, Dr Qalandar Abad, the acting Minister of Public Health, has expressed concern about the positive polio cases in Afghanistan and emphasized that this campaign aims to eradicate polio.

Since the start of 2023, five polio cases have been reported in Afghanistan. Efforts to combat this disease are being carried out with the support of United Nations health organizations.

In 2022, only two polio cases were reported in Afghanistan in the Paktia and Kandahar provinces.

Polio, also known as infantile paralysis, is a viral disease with no cure, and vaccination is the only way to protect children from this virus.