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Caitlyn Jenner, Australian Swimming Legend Celebrate Transgender Swimming Ban

The ban on transgender swimmers from attending major women's events is celebrated by transgender celebrity Caitlyn Jenner and three Olympic gold medalists. I did. I was afraid to cancel the culture to admit that they all supported it.

Olympic gold medal-winning teenager Jenner shares a post reporton Sunday's groundbreaking decision by FINA, the governing body for FINA World Championships, which covers the Olympics. By doing so, we celebrated the news.

"Successful!" is the most famous for regularly countering things like Lia Thomas, who dominate the women's eventin the pool. Tweeted Jenner, 72,, one of the transgender personalities.

"I took a lot of heat, but justice is justice!" Previous "Kardashian Family Fuss" star

"Experienced male adolescence If so, you shouldn't be able to steal a medal from a woman. A period, "Jenner tweeted.

It worked! I took a lot of heat, but justice is justice! If you experience male adolescence, you should not be able to steal medals from females. Limit.

— Caitlyn Jenner (@Caitlyn_Jenner)June 19, 2022

Jenner's Transgender Some of the followers are among the people who participate in her celebration.

"We all understand this truth," Anna von Harlot tweeted, "speaking as a transgender woman."

"Acceptance is essential, but we don't sacrifice against logic. Unfortunately, the political sector of the transgender movement doesn't see it that way," she tweeted. did.

Caitlyn Jenner
Protestors holding signs as trans athlete Lia Thomas competes at the NCAA Championships in March.

Meanwhile, Australian swimming legend Emily Seebohm (3 times for Olympic gold medalist and 5 times for World Champion)will be on channel 9 at the beginning of Monday. Said. I was relieved by the decision of "%".

"We all feel the same. We were all scared and couldn't say anything in the first place," she said on the Australian channel "Today Show." Told to.

"It's a very difficult topic. Nobody wants to say anything first because I'm afraid to cancel the culture," she said.

Australian swimmer Emily Seebohm
Getty Images
Trans swimmer Lia Thomas

"That's it now. If you say one wrong thing, that's it."

She has the same fear FINA I believed that I delayed my decision. She felt that "100%" should come sooner.

"They were just sitting on the fence. Nobody wanted to be the first person because they were scared," she said, supporting the majority of sports people. She insisted.

Lia Thomas, left, on the podium after winning the 500-yard freestyle at the NCAAA Division I Women's Swimming & Diving Championship on March 17, 2022.
Getty Images

But she expects others to follow increase.

"This is only a snowball effect. We are one of the first sports to make a decision," she predicted.

Seabaum emphasized how FINA is proposing a new open division that will enable the competition of transswimmers.

"We're not saying no to transgender athletes, we're saying,'Yes, we're going to create a category for you,'" she said. rice field.