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Half of Americans view Kamala Harris unfavorably, poll shows

Vice President Kamala Harris’ unpopularity gap is wider than any second-in-command in at least 30 years, a new poll has found.

A staggering 49% of registered voters have a negative view of the veep, with 39% saying their view is “very negative,” according to a NBC News poll released Sunday

By contrast, just 32% of Americans say they view Harris positively, and only 11% say they have a “very positive” view.

The 58-year-old’s -17 favorability spread is the lowest for a vice president in the history of the NBC News poll.

Views of Joe Biden were at 34% positive to 33% negative (+1%) when he was Barack Obama’s vice president in December 2010, while Dick Cheney checked in at 47% positive and 24% negative (+23%) in May 2003.

Vice President Kamala Harris
Vice President Kamala Harris

In March 1995, Al Gore was viewed positively by 42% of Americans and negatively by 27% (+15%).

Harris’ net favorability rating was worse than Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (-16%), the Supreme Court (-9%), Biden (-9%), former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley (-6%), the Justice Department (-1%), Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) (0%), and the FBI (+2%).

Vice President Harris and President Biden
Getty Images

Harris sits a heartbeat away from being the leader of the free world during a period of heightened scrutiny and concerns about Biden’s age and vitality.

“Let’s be very clear if they think it’s going to be President Biden — a vote for President Biden: It’s actually a vote for President Harris,” 2024 GOP hopeful Nikki Haley told Fox & Friends earlier this month. 

Vice President Harris and President Biden
AFP via Getty Images

“Every liberal knows it. They know that it’s Kamala Harris that’s going to end up being president of the United States if Joe Biden wins this election.”

At age 80, Biden is already the oldest commander in chief in US history. He would be 82 at the start of a hypothetical second term and 86 at its conclusion.

The NBC poll found that 68% of respondents voiced major or moderate apprehension about Biden having the necessary mental and physical faculties to serve another four years.Only 32% said they had minor or no concerns.

Vice President Kamala Harris and President Biden
AFP via Getty Images

Biden’s job approval stood at 43%, unchanged from the NBC poll’s findings in April.

The survey had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points and was taken June 16-20 among 1,000 voters.