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Letters to the Editor — Dec. 6, 2022

The Issue: Elon Musk’s release of info pertaining to Twitter’s blocking of The Post’s Hunter Biden story.

We are rightly told that the assault on the Capitol on Jan. 6 was a threat to our democracy (“Fed lies,” Dec. 5).

The concerted censorship of The Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop was an even greater assault.

Not only by social media executives, but by mainstream media like The New York Times, Washington Post and major news networks.

The control by our corporate-run media over what stories they want to tell us and which they want to suppress should bring chills to our spines.

Twitter CEO Elon Musk did a service to everyone by exposing the inner workings of Twitter in blocking this story. We also need more Matt Taibbis and Glen Greenwalds to bring journalism back.

Tony Giametta


Our democracy cannot survive without the freedom of speech.

The nefarious interference by Democrats to protect the Biden name was actually clear interference in our presidential election process.

Those governmental individuals who actively participated in preventing Twitter from publishing the Biden laptop news should be prosecuted for such interference.

Thomas Birnbaum


Biden has the FBI to do his dirty work. I’m trying to imagine if the last administration did what the Biden administration has done. The media and the Democrats would have cried “fascist.” What do you hear now? Crickets.

Politicians couldn’t care less for the American people. Their loyalty is to party only. This country has always had differences in political thought, but now, with the collusion of the main-stream media and the intelligence community, there’s hatred.

This is not the America I served. Mr. President, have you no shame? I guess not.

Philip Vallone


I was saddened, but not surprised, to read of the blatant censorship of the Hunter Biden story by Twitter.

This was election interference, plain and simple, which swayed the 2020 elections in favor of Biden, and now we are disastrously paying the consequences.

Moving forward, we need to break up Big Tech monopolies and heavily tax them as for-profit publishers of content.

Michael Pravica

Henderson, Nev.

I’m wondering what we, the American people, are supposed to do now that Elon Musk confirmed what half of us knew all along: that the Democratic Party and our national media are corrupt.

The revelation that Twitter did, in fact, suppress the Hunter Biden story to help Biden get elected is horrific in itself.

Equally tragic was how the Democrats kept perpetuating the lies, even though they knew none of what they were serving up to the American people was true.

But what’s even worse is how people bought into the lies that paved the way for a president and an administration that has destroyed our country in two short years.

Michael D’Auria


The whole Hunter Biden scandal is not so much about him, but the way the Democratic Party worked with Twitter and basically all social media to ban The Post and suppress free speech.

Democrats believe that it’s OK to limit free-speech rights if it’s in their best interest.

And if you take a look at what’s going on college campuses, the same suppression of speech is the current standard for speech you don’t agree with.

The biggest threat to democracy is the media because they suppress stories, so that we can’t have an informed election. Sad.

Mindy Rader

New City

Musk is going to save our country. He will keep releasing all the corrupt things the DNC did prior to the 2020 election.

He will give back a platform for Americans who are both conservative and religious.

And most importantly, he will force liberal media, like the Times, MSNBC, and CNN, to face the truth about what has been going on since Donald Trump arrived on the scene.

Joe Nugent

Staten Island

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