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Silvio Berlusconi's death

1 min ago

In photos: From cruise ship singer to business tycoon and Italy's longest serving post-war PM

Silvio Berlusconi is pictured leaving a news conference in Paris in 1985.
Silvio Berlusconi is pictured leaving a news conference in Paris in 1985. Michel Clement/AFP/Getty Images

Berlusconi can arguably be called the godfather of modern populism, having launched his Forza Italia party in 1994.

He began his career as a cruise ship singer before making a fortune in real estate and starting a media empire that grew into the Mediaset conglomerate, a global player in the media business.

An image from Berlusconi's book "Una storia italiana" shows him during his early singing career. Berlusconi sent copies of the book to Italian voters ahead of the 2001 election.
An image from Berlusconi's book "Una storia italiana" shows him during his early singing career. Berlusconi sent copies of the book to Italian voters ahead of the 2001 election. Eric Vandeville/Gamma-Rapho/Getty Images
Berlusconi swims at a Tunisian beach in 1984. In 1980, he launched Canale 5, Italy's first national commercial television network. Italia 1 followed in 1982, and Rete 4 in 1984. 
Berlusconi swims at a Tunisian beach in 1984. In 1980, he launched Canale 5, Italy's first national commercial television network. Italia 1 followed in 1982, and Rete 4 in 1984.  Umberto Cicconi/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

See his life in pictures here.

16 min ago

Former Italian PM Renzi pays tribute to Berlusconi, calling him a man who “made history”

From CNN’s Niamh Kennedy in London

Silvio Berlusconi greets Matteo Renzi during a legislative session at the Senate in Rome, Italy, in October 2022.
Silvio Berlusconi greets Matteo Renzi during a legislative session at the Senate in Rome, Italy, in October 2022. Antonio Masiello/Getty Images

Former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has paid tribute to Silvio Berlusconi, calling him a man who “made history” in Italy. Writing on Facebook, Renzi said:

"Silvio Berlusconi has made history in this country. So many have loved him, so many have hated him: all today must recognize that his impact on political life but also economic, sports and television was unprecedented."

“Today Italy mourns together with his family, his loved ones, his companies, his party,” Renzi who was Italian Prime Minister from 2014 to 2016, added.

3 min ago

Berlusconi had "great love for freedom," Italian minister says in tribute

From CNN's Valentina Di Donato

Italian Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida has called Berlusconi a "man who made history."

"He prevented the left from taking power by resisting attacks of all kinds for years,” Lollobrigida wrote on Twitter, adding:

"We haven't always shared his methods and his choices, but always his great love for Freedom. The Italian right owes him a lot. The memory of his generosity, his elegance, intelligence and commitment will still be the backbone of the centre-right that he wanted and defended. A hug to his family and our deepest condolences as Italians for a great man."
30 min ago

Once Italy's richest man, Berlusconi's business empire spanned billions

The Italian entrepreneur Silvio Berlusconi on his private jet flying from Rome to Milan after a day's work on March 1, 1987.
The Italian entrepreneur Silvio Berlusconi on his private jet flying from Rome to Milan after a day's work on March 1, 1987. Edoardo Fornaciari/Getty Images

Before entering politics, Berlusconi made his name in Italy as a business tycoon and media mogul, at one point becoming the richest man in Italy. 

Berlusconi enjoyed his first real success in property development in the late 1960s when he was involved in a project to build Milano Two -- nearly 4,000 flats -- outside Milan. 

After amassing a fortune from his property portfolio in the 1970s, he diversified his interests by setting up a TV cable company, Telemilano, and buying two other cable channels in an effort to break the national TV monopoly in Italy.

In 1978, these channels were incorporated into his newly formed Fininvest group, which included department stores, insurance companies and even AC Milan -- one of the world's biggest football clubs, which he owned for 31 years.  

Berlusconi turned his attention to politics in 1993 when he formed the center-right Forza Italia Party, named for "Forza, Italia!" (Go, Italy!), a chant heard at Italian national soccer team games.  

As of this year, Berlusconi was worth $7.56 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

32 min ago

What to know about Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's former showman leader

Italian politician Silvio Berlusconi speaks at the Forza Italia programmatic conference at the Parco dei Principi Hotel in Rome, Italy, on April 9, 2022.
Italian politician Silvio Berlusconi speaks at the Forza Italia programmatic conference at the Parco dei Principi Hotel in Rome, Italy, on April 9, 2022. Massimo Di Vita//Mondadori Portfolio/Getty Images

Silvio Berlusconi, who has died at the age of 86, was long regarded as Italy's most colorful public figure.

He was elected prime minister three times and served for a total of nine years, longer than anyone since fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. 

A divisive figure in Italy, Berlusconi's career was marked by a series of political, financial and personal scandals, many of which landed him in court.  

Berlusconi was tried on charges ranging from tax evasion and bribery to corruption and having sex with an underage prostitute. But only one case stuck -- a 2012 conviction for tax evasion in a deal involving television rights.  

40 min ago

Breaking news: Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's former showman leader, dies at age 86

From CNN's Valentina Di Donato

Silvio Berlusconi, leader of Forza Italia, casts his vote during the general elections in Milan, Italy, on September 25, 2022.
Silvio Berlusconi, leader of Forza Italia, casts his vote during the general elections in Milan, Italy, on September 25, 2022. Cruciatti/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Silvio Berlusconi, the flamboyant billionaire and former Italian prime minister who once described himself as the "Jesus Christ of politics," has died at age 86.

Berlusconi died at Milan’s San Raffaele Hospital in Italy.

He was admitted to the hospital on Friday, less than a month after spending 45 days there for a lung infection.