During today’s Hot Topics segment on The ViewWhoopi Goldberg had to keep reminding co-host Sunny Hostin that a college education isn’t necessary for a successful life. While discussing a Reddit post where a mother refused to give her daughter, who was pregnant with her third child, the college fund she saved to use on a wedding or a house instead, Hostin talked about the importance of a college education.

Agreeing with the mother’s decision to withhold the money should it not be used on college, Hostin told the panel, “That’s her mother’s money. She set that aside for an education. I’ve said it over and over again — an education is the great equalizer in this country and this world.” However, Goldberg interjected with, “Yes, but not for everybody.”

Hostin, who was strict on her stance, pointed out that “most people without college educations make 80% less money,” which only fueled Goldberg’s fire as she reminded her co-host that “some of those people without college educations are people who are in schools that teach you how to do plumbing and teach you how to do electricity,” before telling her for the second time that “not everybody’s meant to go to college.”

Hostin went on to note Tuesday’s (Oct. 4) guest Cori Bush, who lived in her car with her two children while making only $7 an hour “because there’s no living wage,” reiterating that people who go to college make 80% more. Goldberg jumped in to add that Bush didn’t go to college and still became a congresswoman.

“Thank God for that but that’s an anomaly,” Hostin said. “That’s not the norm.”

Meanwhile, as Goldberg was attempting to give a message to people like herself who didn’t attend college, Hostin chimed in with, “But you’re an EGOT and that’s not the norm either. You got talent.”

The View airs on weekdays at 11/10c on ABC.